Up To A Lot Of Nothing

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Now that I'm back on speaking terms with the blogosphere people are asking me what I'm up to. Today when Rabih - a friend from San Diego, asked me via email, I could see my Stickies program windows behind his email on my screen and I could read ecactly what I'm up to. I didn't copy and paste the notes to him because I thought it would be boring.

Then, while reading them again later, I remembered that everyone's life is boring.
Plus, what's the point in having a website if you can't ask the readers for something? If a those people on EHarmony can find life partners, surely I'm not out of line to ask for a good face moisturizer.

Off one Stickie note:

Priority of House Improvements for Penny:

new rugs for living room and dining - we're saving for carpet from Flor

frames for portrait wall - we're making a portrait wall of friends and family. send me your photos and/or black frames

bed - busted! we don't yet have a bed. just a mattress on the floor. saving for a chocolate colored platform bed 

car detailing - our Pathfinder, Lucy, still has grime on her from May

carpet cleaning - should we rent a cleaner or have the pros do it?

Another Stickie note:


scrapbooks - not as easy as it looks

material for chairs - 2 dining chairs needing to be recovered

wallpaper for table - long story

Class for me - so my brain doesn't turn to mush - too late? Possibly.

Playdate Schedule - Someone befriend my daughter, please

Holiday Gifts - only about 4 entire days worth of work on that to go (meaning I haven't bought anything yet)

Playlists - new Mac means new playlists. Suggestions?


a moisturizer that works - my face will crack and fall off any minute now

farm playhouse for augs - because I need to sing Old MacDonald 10 more times a day

mj's holiday presents

about 50 black frames - for the portrait wall 

bigger purse - i can't handle the diaper bag anymore

holiday wreath

Dude, somebody send Martha Stewart to my house and we'll be done with it. 

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